At the 31st International Symposium on Chromatography, I had the priviledge to arrange the reviews for the Genzo Shimadzu Best Poster Award. Together with an international board of senior peers participating in the Symposium the posters were reviewed by the following criteria:

Approx. 350 posters have been submitted for presentation at ISC2016. About 150 authors have opted to participate in the best poster award competition. After  first round poster evaluation, by 16 reviewers working in pairs, 14 contributions were inivited for final round evaluation. This evaluation took place in a plenary session on Thursday, September 1 from 8:30 – 10:00 hrs, during which the nominated authors gave a flash presentation of her/his work in max. 3 to 4 slides. Fifteen reviewers in the room ranked the poster presentations and presenters which resulted in an overall rank.

Shimadzu Europe was the main sponsor of the best poster competition which has allowed the ISC2016 organizers to offer 8 money prizes for the award winner of 500 Euro each. In addition to these prizes the Springer-Verlag GmbH  at the meeting offered book vouchers so that all poster authors who made it to the final round evaluation received a prize. 

The plenary session eventually draw a large audience. Thanks to the dililgent chairman of this session. Prof. Peter Schoenmakers everything went very smooth despite the obvious nervosity of some of the young scientist who didnot have to speak to a large audience before. 

More details of the award competition can be found in the PDF copy of the award ceremony here. A photograph of the awardees together with representatives of the sponsor, the symposium chairs and myself is shown below.

Poster Award ISC2016


















Back row from left to right: Dr. Gesa Schad, Dr. Gerard Rozing, Frank Hauser, Rob Groarke, Alyah Buzid, Josh Smith, Aleksandra Nikitina, Mari Egeness, Annamária Sepsey, Prof. Jeremy Glennon, Mrs. Petra Russkamp. Front row from left to right: Prof. Apryll Stalcup, Norio Ishizuka, Tanja Melzer, Anatol Schmidt, Romy Vásquez, Kirsten Dowling, Estafania González. Not present Tanja Berg.

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