ITPlogoFrom September 1 to 4, the 36th International Symposium on Electroseparations and Liquid Phase Separation techniques took place at the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse. Please check the website at for details on the scientific program and activities.

Like at other conferences, I was invited to arrange the review of posters for the Best Poster Award and the review of Oral Presentations by a Young Scientist (≤ 35 years) Award. You can find some more details at and in the award presentation that is posted at this location. (be aware that depending on your browser settings, the document goes directly to your download folder and does not open). The picture on the next page shows all the awardees together with the symposium chairmen, the president of the AfSep, and me, chairman of the review boards

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From left to right: Prof. Jean-Christoph Carrigues, Dr. Gerard Rozing, Bayam Chami, Emilie Rossi, Franziska Steingaß, Philip Graybill, John Loughney, Matthias Oliver Stein, Mihai Deleanu, Audrey Boutonnet, Prof. Francois Couderc and Prof. Hervé Cottet.